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Black labrador answering a phone
Black labrador answering a phone

Do they answer the phone?

I’ve had a Hearing dog for just over a year now and I’ve noticed from comments that some people are unsure what a Hearing dog does. Two things they don’t do:

  • A Hearing dog doesn’t answer the telephone for their deaf owner (I wish!)
  • A hearing dog doesn’t listen carefully and then sign what someone is saying to their owner. 😉

...continue reading "Hearing dogs – what do they do?"

Learning through role models

An important part of learning is role models. Children watch other children and adults and mimic their behaviour, aspiring to be like them. Or in the instance of negative role models aspire not to be like them. Adults do this too and we watch the way other people behave and copy those behaviours. ...continue reading "Everybody needs role models"

A review of CODA – available on Apple TV and winner of 2022, Best Picture, Oscar:

CODA Trailer - YouTube video player

A CODA is a hearing Child of Deaf Adults. Hearing children are born into Deaf families and sign language (any of over 300 hundred national sign languages) is their first language. Effectively they are culturally ‘Deaf.’ Albeit without hearing loss. ...continue reading "Can you be hearing but have sign language as your first language?"


Turning down invitations

So, you have a deaf or hard of hearing friend or colleague and often when you invite them out they are busy or they cancel at the last minute. What’s going on? ...continue reading "Inclusion and deafness – finding a space that works"


British Sign Language (BSL) alphabet - YouTube video player

If you are already convinced you can go straight to my 7 minute fingerspelling video, otherwise read on.

You might think. I’ve been hearing all my life. Why should I start signing now? ...continue reading "Everyone with hearing loss should learn fingerspelling"